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logit和probit模型中的交叉项, 如何求边际效应

计量经济圈 • 4 年前 • 1675 次点击  



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1.交互项与分组回归的区别是什么? 异质性分析

2.计量回归中的交互项到底什么鬼? 捎一本书给你



5.内生变量的交互项如何寻工具变量, 交互项共线咋办


7.U型和倒U型关系及其调节效应, 把非线性关系推进一点



10.具有调节变量的中介效应程序和数据, 独家解读相关结果

11.具有调节变量的中介效应分析, moderated mediation

12.中介和调节效应操作指南, 经典书籍和PPT珍藏版




logit $y age educ ageeduc male ins_pub ins_uni $x, nolog cluster(pid)
inteff $y age educ ageeduc male ins_pub ins_uni $x,
savegraph1(d:\data\figure1, replace)
savegraph2(d:\data\figure2, replace)


probit $y male ins_uni male_uni age educ ins_pub $x, nolog cluster(pid)
inteff $y male ins_uni male_uni age educ ins_pub $x,
savedata(d:\data\probit_inteff, replace)
savegraph1(d:\data\figure3, replace)
savegraph2(d:\data\figure4, replace)

作者在Economics Letters表达了,他对传统通过margins求logit和probit模型里交互项的边际效应的不满,并且提出了新方法去求二值模型里交互项的边际效应。
作者在上面这篇文章发表一年后,就在Stata Journal上发表了这个新程序“inteff”。建议各位学者,在以后求Logit或Probit模型里交互项的边际效应时候,使用inteff而非margins程序。

Applied researchers often estimate interaction terms to infer how the effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable depends on the magnitude of another independent variable. For example, is the effect of car weight on gas mileage the same for both domestic and foreign cars? To answer this question, we can run a regression to predict gas mileage as a function of weight, a dummy variable for foreign, and the interaction between the two. If the coefficient on the interaction term is statistically significant, there is a difference between domestic and foreign cars in how additional weight affects mileage.

Interaction terms are also used extensively in nonlinear models, such as logit and probit models. Unfortunately, the intuition from linear regression models does not extend to nonlinear models. The marginal effect of a change in both interacted variables is not equal to the marginal effect of changing just the interaction term. More surprisingly, the sign may be different for different observations. The statistical significance cannot be determined from the z-statistic reported in the regression output. The odds-ratio interpretation of logit coefficients cannot be used for interaction terms.

Despite the common use of interaction terms, most applied researchers misinterpret the coefficient of the interaction term in nonlinear models. A review of 13 economics journals listed on JSTOR ( found 72 articles published between 1980 and  2000 that used interaction terms in nonlinear models (Ai and Norton 2003). None of the studies interpreted the coefficient on the interaction term correctly. A recent article by DeLeire (2000) is a welcome exception. 

The Stata command inteff computes the correct marginal effect of a change in two interacted variables for a logit or probit model. It also computes the correct standard errors. The inteff command will work if the interacted variables are both continuous variables, if both are dummy variables, or if there is one of each. In addition, it will graph the interaction effect and save the results to allow further investigation.




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