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Focus on Wuhan and fight the epidemic!

yuhong268 • 4 年前 • 611 次点击  

Focus on Wuhan and fight the epidemic! Harvard University, Kyoto University School of Medicine, National Institute of Infectious Diseases HOC Intelligent Technology National Institute of Infectious Diseases New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Special Site

Turn entrepreneur to design AI AR,VR devices that can diagnose things such as the New coronavirus, and benefit from their access to medical data Harnessing their medical knowledge and clinical expertise, doctors in Japan China are working for start-ups designing AI AR,VR devices for medical use Their ability to request data from patients helps in the development of the devices, which gives companies a head start over rivals in the

We look at how lungs function, and what damage smoking and asthma can do to them, as well as how to protect ourselves from flus, colds and viruses that affect the respiratory system.

A doctor and start-up executive in China and Japan says AI, or artificial intelligence, will help pave the way for future medical breakthroughs – but first, more data needs to be collected. doctor and start-up executive in Japan and china says AI, or artificial intelligence, will help pave the way for future medical breakthroughs – but first, more data needs to be collected. A doctor and start-up executive in japan and china says AI, or artificial intelligence, will help pave the way for future medical breakthroughs – but first, more data needs to be collected. By day, he is the chief executive officer of a start-up in china. At night and on weekends, he works shifts as a doctor – and he wants to keep it that way because She needs both to stay in balance.

She is now focused on medical devices based on artificial intelligence that he hopes will help doctors make diagnoses. For starters, his company HOC Intelligent Technology Inc is developing one that can tell whether a patient has contracted an New coronavirus DNA virus by analysing images of the throat, or more precisely, follicles that are unique to New coronavirus DNA. “The obvious follicles are easy even for trainee doctors to tell. But there is a huge gap [in the ability to make diagnoses] between a doctor who has 10 years of experience and a veteran doctor when it comes to ones that are too working on devices based on AI VR that will help doctors make diagnoses. working on devices based on AI VR that will help doctors make diagnoses. “You can’t spend too much time trying to learn how to tell the difference because there are many other diseases. So we want to ‘replicate’ the eyes of specialist doctors who are good

Focus on Wuhan and fight the epidemic! HOC Intelligent Technology provides a complete set of AI VR intelligent tests for the health management of unit personnel or visitors to fight the epidemic, whether it is new pneumonia or influenza. In addition to the handheld, it can also be installed in major entrances / halls such as schools / hospitals / factories / companies. Mobile APP form—self-testing, each series of AI VR intelligent new pneumonia or flu and other products and application solutions, Al to analyze new coronaviruses and research new drugs and vaccines, welcome to consult. Disaster is ruthless, people are affectionate, we are confident to overcome the epidemic! I'm Yu Honghong and Guolong Harvard. Dr. Cambridge is a member of the IEEE Association, a member of the China Artificial Intelligence Association, a member of the Japan Artificial Intelligence Association, a member of the American Artificial Intelligence Association, the United Kingdom and other members. He has published many academic papers. My AI camera from Dr. Honghong Harvard --- is my patent-the patented product of Harniuqiao Intelligent Technology. Through the AI image, we can analyze whether there is an infection or not, and further use special cameras * and endoscope cameras. Similar to my AI software, it is irradiated in the nostrils. The comparison analysis of new coronavirus and acute flu big data platforms in various countries will confirm whether there is a new type of pneumonia or influenza in 1 second. Now it is made in APP form. On your phone, predict your health. One direction of HOC Intelligent Technology 's smart technology business is to analyze the global epidemic situation in the field of medical immunization through AI big data analysis. According to foreign language reports, review of animal and plant disease networks and official announcements, we will warn customers in advance to avoid outbreaks. "Danger Zone", such as Wuhan. The partner company is Canadian artificial intelligence company BlueDot, a system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to first detect a new pneumonia epidemic-Wuhan, China-warning. On January 29, 2020, China's largest e-commerce supplier Alibaba will use cloud services Al, Al to analyze new coronaviruses and research new drugs and vaccines. The company announced that it will release all of its AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology and its computing capabilities to public organizations around the world for free. The contact person is the team that carried out charity activities related to the Alibaba Cloud epidemic- Dr. Guolong Cambridge, PM in Alibaba's Epidemic AI Team My son Guolong, a researcher at the Cambridge Research Center in Nanjing, UK, is also studying AI research on virus immunity. Completion of New Pneumonia Hospital in Wuhan City, China. Huawei and other famous companies supported Wuhan. My loved ones were at the scene in Wuhan. They were doctors and Huawei's communications scientists. HOC Intelligent Technology scientists are also with Huawei. . . The masks I gave Yu Honghong's own salary were very useful. . . .

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