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13 年前
回复了 Neil 创建的主题 » 给我看一些很酷的python列表理解[关闭]


def cointoss(n,t):
    return (lambda a:"\n".join(str(i)+":\t"+"*"*a.count(i) for i in range(min(a),max(a)+1)))([sum(randint(0,1) for _ in range(n)) for __ in range(t)])

>>> print cointoss(20,100)
3:    **
4:    ***
5:    **
6:    *****
7:    *******
8:    *********
9:    *********
10:   ********************
11:   *****************
12:   *********
13:   *****
14:   *********
15:   *
16:   **


5 年前
回复了 Neil 创建的主题 » 多线程python中的同步与数据合并问题


from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ProcessPool # Only use this if you're CPU bound. If you're IO bound use a threadpool rather

my_zip_files = [
    ("arg1", "arg2", "arg3"),      # Whatever the arguments are. Just roll them into a tuple and store all the tuples in a list.
    ("arg12", "arg22", "arg23")

def do_something(arg):
    arg1 = arg[0]   # recover the individual arguments. Can use python's * syntax as well.
    arg2 = arg[1]
    arg3 = arg[2]
    result = _do_something(arg1, arg2, arg3)
    return result

def _do_something(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    <whatever logic>

with ProcessPool(4) as pool:
    result = pool.map(do_something, my_zip_files)
print(result) # And now the order of the files should be the same as the order you put them in. I've run some checks and order seems to be preserved but maybe check the docs to be sure.