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random_py_guy 最近回复了
5 年前
回复了 random_py_guy 创建的主题 » Django 2.1-在模板视图中显示模型元类详细名称

编辑:多米尼克·巴顿找到了一个绝妙的解决方案@ https://blog.confirm.ch/accessing-models-verbose-names-django-templates/


from django import template
register = template.Library()

def verbose_name(value):
#Django template filter which returns the verbose name of a model.
#Note: I set my verbose_name the same as the plural, so I only need one tag. 
    if hasattr(value, 'model'):
        value = value.model
    return value._meta.verbose_name


from django.views.generic.list import ListView as DjangoListView
from .models import MyTestModel

class ListView(DjangoListView):
    #Enhanced ListView which includes the `model` in the context data,
    #so that the template has access to its model class.
    #Set normally
    model = MyTestModel
    template_name = 'base.html'
    context_object_name = 'model_list'
    ordering = ['record']

    def get_context_data(self):
        #Adds the model to the context data.
        context = super(ListView, self).get_context_data()
        context['model'] = self.model
        return context


path('your_extension/', views.ListView.as_view(), name='base')


{% load verbose %}

<h1> {% verbose_name model%} </h1>

<ul style='list-style:none'>
{% for item in model_list %}
    <li>{{ item }}}</a></li> 
{% endfor %}
