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NearHuscarl Mark Longair

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6 年前
回复了 NearHuscarl Mark Longair 创建的主题 » Github:这个分支是X提交的[duplicate]

在分叉存储库的本地克隆中,可以将原始GitHub存储库添加为“远程”。(“Remotes”类似于存储库url的昵称- origin ,然后您可以从上游存储库中获取所有分支,并重新调整您的工作以继续处理上游版本。就命令而言,可能是:

# Add the remote, call it "upstream":

git remote add upstream https://github.com/whoever/whatever.git

# Fetch all the branches of that remote into remote-tracking branches,
# such as upstream/master:

git fetch upstream

# Make sure that you're on your master branch:

git checkout master

# Rewrite your master branch so that any commits of yours that
# aren't already in upstream/master are replayed on top of that
# other branch:

git rebase upstream/master

git merge upstream/master . 然而,为了使进一步的拉取请求尽可能干净,最好是重新定位。

upstream/master 可能需要强制推送才能将其推送到GitHub上自己的分叉存储库。你可以这样做:

git push -f origin master

你只需要使用 -f 在你重新定位后的第一次。