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Npj Comput. Mater.: 优质金属零件的打印—人类智能增强的机器学习

知社学术圈 • 1 年前 • 101 次点击  





来自中国哈尔滨工业大学先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室和美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料科学与工程系的Jiang等人运用增强机器学习策略,协同结合机理模型和历史实验数据,揭示减少激光粉末床熔合 (PBF-L) 中未熔合空隙形成的必要条件,提高打印金属零件的质量一致性。他们分析了101个独立实验样本,并根据冶金知识库和物理模型的人类智能,确定了5个影响未熔合缺陷的重要机理变量:无量纲扫描间距(扫描间距/池宽度)、无量纲池深度(池深度/层厚度)、无量纲温度(峰值温度/液相线温度)、马兰戈尼数和傅里叶数。在此基础上,决策树和线性回归预测未熔合的准确率分别达到 93% 和 90%。然后运用信息增益、信息增益比和基尼指数三个特征选择指标,得到相同的未熔合机制变量的层次重要性。尤为重要的是,他们提出了一个可验证的未熔合指数,来减少未熔合缺陷,并提供易于使用的可视化工艺图。该研究运用人类智能的增强机器学习,能够处理小数据集,降低计算成本。该研究策略提高打印金属零件的质量,有助于材料选择,支持新的可印刷合金的研发,并且对于解决其他制造工艺的重要问题同样具有吸引力。

该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 8:184(2022)英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。

Superior printed parts using history and augmented machine learning 

Meng Jiang, Tuhin Mukherjee, Yang Du & Tarasankar DebRoy 

Machine learning algorithms are a natural fit for printing fully dense superior metallic parts since 3D printing embodies digital technology like no other manufacturing process. Since traditional machine learning needs a large volume of reliable historical data to optimize many printing variables, the algorithm is augmented with human intelligence derived from the rich knowledge base of metallurgy and physics-based models. The augmentation improves the computational efficiency and makes the problem tractable by enabling the algorithm to use a small set of data. We provide a verifiable quantitative index for achieving fully dense superior parts, facilitate material selection, uncover the hierarchy of important variables that affect the density, and present easy-to-use visual process maps. These findings can improve the quality consistency of 3D printed parts that now limit their greater industrial adaptation. The approach used here can be applied to solve other problems of 3D printing and beyond.


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