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Nontas • 3 年前 • 944 次点击  


[["Physics", 3, 6.0], ["PC", 4, 8.25], ....]

data_list =
 ["John", "Physics", 5], ["John", "PC", 7], ["John", "Math", 8], 
 ["Mary", "Physics", 6], ["Mary", "PC", 10], ["Mary", "Algebra", 7], 
 ["Helen", "Physics", 7], ["Helen","PC", 6], ["Helen", "Algebra", 8], 
 ["Helen", "Analysis", 10], ["Bill", "PC", 10], ["Bill", "Analysis", 6], 
 ["Bill", "Math", 8], ["Bill", "Biology", 6], ["Michael", "Analysis", 10]

def groupby(data, index, category):
    """Sort list of records by index and category
    output = []
    indices = []
    for record in data:
        if record[index] not in indices:
    return output

# index 0 -> person
# category 1 -> subject
subject_list = groupby(data_list, 0, 1)

# index 0 -> person
# category 2 -> grade
grade_list = groupby(data_list, 0, 2)

# grad_list
[['John', 5, 7, 8],
 ['Mary', 6, 10, 7],
 ['Helen', 7, 6, 8, 10],
 ['Bill', 10, 6, 8, 6],
 ['Michael', 10]]


import statistics

subjects_taken = [len(x) - 1 for x in subject_list]
average_grade = [statistics.mean(x[1:]) for x in grade_list]

persons = [x[0] for x in subject_list]
final_list = list(zip(persons, subjects_taken, average_grade))

# final_list
[('John', 3, 6.666666666666667),
 ('Mary', 3, 7.666666666666667),
 ('Helen', 4, 7.75),
 ('Bill', 4, 7.5),
 ('Michael', 1, 10)]
944 次点击  
文章 [ 2 ]  |  最新文章 3 年前
Gustavo Sánchez
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Gustavo Sánchez    3 年前


import pandas as pd

data_list = [

 ["John", "Physics", 5], ["John", "PC", 7], ["John", "Math", 8], 
 ["Mary", "Physics", 6], ["Mary", "PC", 10], ["Mary", "Algebra", 7], 
 ["Helen", "Physics", 7], ["Helen","PC", 6], ["Helen", "Algebra", 8], 
 ["Helen", "Analysis", 10], ["Bill", "PC", 10], ["Bill", "Analysis", 6], 
 ["Bill", "Math", 8], ["Bill", "Biology", 6], ["Michael", "Analysis", 10]

# Convert the data_list array into a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data_list, columns=['Name', 'Subject', 'Grade'])

# Group by Subject extracting the count and mean of the accumulated grade per subject
df.groupby('Subject').Grade.agg(['count', 'mean'])

enter image description here

Andrej Kesely
Reply   •   2 楼
Andrej Kesely    3 年前

itertools.groupby 分组 data_list 按主题:

from pprint import pprint
from statistics import mean
from itertools import groupby

data_list = [
 ["John", "Physics", 5], ["John", "PC", 7], ["John", "Math", 8],
 ["Mary", "Physics", 6], ["Mary", "PC", 10], ["Mary", "Algebra", 7],
 ["Helen", "Physics", 7], ["Helen","PC", 6], ["Helen", "Algebra", 8],
 ["Helen", "Analysis", 10], ["Bill", "PC", 10], ["Bill", "Analysis", 6],
 ["Bill", "Math", 8], ["Bill", "Biology", 6], ["Michael", "Analysis", 10]

out = []
for k, g in groupby(sorted(data_list, key=lambda k: k[1]), lambda k: k[1]):
    g = [*g]
    out.append([k, len(g), mean(v[2] for v in g)])


[['Algebra', 2, 7.5],
 ['Analysis', 3, 8.666666666666666],
 ['Biology', 1, 6],
 ['Math', 2, 8],
 ['PC', 4, 8.25],
 ['Physics', 3, 6]]